Hey everyone,
A few days back, I started my very own crowdfunding campaign over on indiegogo.com. The campaign is for the second season of my LEGO Super Heroes Series, entitled LEGO Justice League. My goal is to raise $1200 to get the necessary things I need to make this season the best it can possibly be.
More details can be found here: http://igg.me/at/legojusticeleague
In order to show my gratitude for your support and donations, some cool perks are included:
- $1 - Personalized 'thank you' picture and a FULL HD digital download of an episode of your choosing from Season 1
- $5 - Full HD digital download of season 2's episodes the same day they are released. All previous perks also included.
- $10 - Full HD digital download of the entire first season of the LEGO Super Heroes Series. All previous perks also included.
- $20 - Have your name featured in one of the episodes (either in writing or spoken). All previous perks also included.
- $25 - 20 minute chat with me over Skype. All other previous perks included, with the exception of the $20 perk.
As a special thank you for you loyal readers/viewers out there, I will offer the $10 perk FREE, with every $5 donation. So, for just $5 you'll get FULL HD digital downloads of both Season 1 and Season 2 episodes. All you have to do is, after you donate $5, send me an email at atlasanimationz@gmail.com with the link to this blog post and that's it.
Please note that this is a limited time offer, so grab them while they're hot!
Contribute now!